Like a lot of different kinds of accessories, certain niches need a certain kind of quality to separate them from entry level gear and into professional class items. Often these higher grade pieces of gear come with such a high price tag that you’d probably instantly turn your head in disbelief. Again, that kind of quality comes with huge benefits in many forms. Usually, these different devices are tooled up for many different things, so when you see a pair of headphones with a $400 tag, you have to assume that these are of the highest quality. However, you shouldn’t always make these assumptions because sometimes, these boosts in prices are just a means to make it look like the gear is of the best quality. So, can the AKG Q701 Quincy Jones premium headphones really justify the hefty price you have to pay for them?<
The Sound
One can expect that a pair of headphones from a relatively renowned company like AKG and sponsored by Quincy Jones would end up being some of the best on the market. The true result of this match made in audiophile heaven is awesome. The sound on almost any track cuts clear into your brain, and if you have a thing for lossless quality tracks, you’re surely going to enjoy this pair of headphones. The main quality this pair of headphones aims to emphasize is clear and crisp sound delivery. Each track you push through these headphones will obviously be enhanced when you play it. At the same time, these headphones don’t do well with devices that don’t output a great quality sound. While it does try to enhance the sound, if you’re playing your tracks through an old phone, you’re not going to get your money’s worth. However, if you take the time to scan your library for different genres, be warned that the AKG 701 Quincy Jones model sort of suffers when it comes to bass. It basically means electronic music mixers will find this pair lacking, but live instruments users will get a kick out of them.
The Headphones
AKG has a nice little habit of including an extra pair of something or another in with their headphone package, and in this case, it’s a cord. The detachable feature is awesome for people that want to take these monsters along with them on trips, but if you like your listening private, then the open back plastic feature will have you reeling in fear. The secondary cord extends a tad further than the first, which is very welcome for those that like rolling around on their seats, or like to be situated in a comfortable while they listen to their music.
Should you buy this set?
These headphones are great and is also extremely comfortable when compared to the other pairs in this price bracket. They fit snugly, and are sort of warm, but what you get in terms of sound quality makes up for all of its failings. However, the $400 price tag will probably have you in second thought. For those that need this kind of excellent quality, that is a small price to pay for these awesome head phones.
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